Saturday, October 14, 2006

Birthday at Covo Bistro & Lounge

Yesterday was Irene's birthday and her first day of leave, which will last until the end of her maternity leave. She has taken extra leave to nurse at home, preparing for the delivery of our baby boy.

I took leave too and spent the morning doing the laundry and cleaning the floor. We were out after two in the afternoon to see our gynae. Our baby was doing great, 3kg (500gm up since a week before), still kicking quite hard.

It was Irene's birthday but I had no present for her. I promised her to buy an OSIM U-Zap to help her slim down after the baby is out. To make up the day, I prepared three surprises for her.

We went to this nice little restaurant called 'Covo Bistro & Lounge' for dinner and I got my usual online Orchard Florist to send a table bouquet of roses and bears to Covo (Surprise 1). So when we got there, the flowers were sitting nicely on our table. Covo was very nice indeed to put us in their special outdoor area next to a small pond with a few koi in it. Here are some pics taken to share.

The setting was great with a small little candlelight with an open top. The only problem was the noise from the TV on the upper floor. But it was okay... quite interesting. You can choose to be indoors or sit at the bar counter. There's a small room for about seven for private gathering. The room even has its own music player for those who want to listen to different music. There are also a couple of outdoor sofa areas for people to retire for a nice drink after the main course at the table.
Covo serves a range of western-styled (I think it's Italian) dishes a-la-carte and also tapa food for those who just want to talk and have something light. We went for the 'Rack of Lamb', a Covo signature dish. The three pieces of lamb were marinated in honey and the dish taste quite unique. The salad with grilled chicken starter was wonderful too. We ordered a pan-fried salmon sandwich later as we were quite hungry still. The food was quite good. It is really worth a try. Covo is located at 16 Greenwood Avenue S(289209) Tel: 64668103.
Irene enjoyed the dinner very much. The table bouquet was a nice surpise for her. But there are two more in store. She was harping for a birthday cake all day long. We did not have one at Covo because we were too full. After we are back home, I quickly prepared the second surprise. I got a mini heart-shaped cake for her during the day while she was back in the office to retrieve her keys. It was hidden in the car all day. After we are ready to sleep, I light up the candle and sang her a birthday song (Surprise 2). She was overjoyed. The third surprise came not too long later when her name popped up over the radio YES 933. DJ Jiahui read my message for her '祝你生日快樂﹐邂逅了你﹐燦爛了我的一生'.
It was a great birthday for her. Her last before she becomes a mother and a memorable one!

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